Saturday, October 13, 2012

Essential Reading: Militia Immaculatae "The Practical Manual"

Militia Immaculatae
The Knighthood of 
Immaculate Virgin Mary

According to the writings and the spirit 
of the founder, St. Maximilian Kolbe
by Fr. Karl Stehlin, SSPX 

translated into Enlgish by
Michael J. Miller

Te Deum
Warsaw 2005

Another book review of Fr. Stehlin's books, this one could be labeled the "practical manual" of the MI, although this phrase is not found in the book. In 32 pages, this book includes a simple introduction to St. Maximilian's life and mission, the founding of the M.I. and instructions for enrolling. I found several insights in this book which do not appear in some of the mainstream material concerning the M.I.. Get it and read it.

St. Maximilian, Help us to become little children before God.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Feast of St. Maximilian Kolbe

One of the benefits of following a Saint who lived not so long ago is the availability of actual photographs of him or her. I chose this photo to augment this post and celebrate his feast. A look at his "serious side" brings out the heroism and genuine toughness of this great Saint. The meek and humble Saint of Auschwitz had a foundation of stone inside of him. Sometimes that stone came through in a solemn stare such as this. St. Maximilian Kolbe, pray for us.